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By Vaz Sriharan
The podcast currently has 189 episodes available.
Multidimensional Lens offers us a unique perspective of reality. We see beyond duality and into something far more varied. We understand we are part of something fluid, moving, growing. In order to move into this space we are each being faced with core shifts around our base level reality, manifesting as feeling uprooted - home, money, career, belief systems, groups...As we trust, we are taken on a voyage to envision a higher template of reality that then pulls us into a higher reality. Explore more in this session
You are not just attracting things to your reality,
One of the fascinating aspects of our Manifestation process, or Creating Your Reality, is of course that the Inner World attracts and reflects the Outer World.
We may often ask Why am I creating this?
Yet a deeper question is also Why am I attracted to this?
To live in overflow is to live in the abundance of the Divine. To allow it to flow through you so fully, so completely that it floods your very being with the Sacred frequency of love. Here there is little room for fears, doubts, worries, concerns.
Whilst an overflow may seem idyllic, where you are One with everything and abundance is flowing towards you, people, situations, experiences, synchronicity. The real power of the OverFlow is to feel the presence of Divine Trust, Surrender, Faith and Love whilst experiencing adversity.
Explore more in this session
Energy Update: During these times there are many so-called collective waves of polarised conflict that sweep the masses. These waves seem to divide the populace. Individuals feel incredibly strongly about one argument or another, and just as strongly about those who do not take any stance. What is this all about?
This session explores the nature of Conflict, Persecution and Suffering and how these themes can play out in our projections if we are unaware of our shadows. The purpose of these sessions isn't to polarise or to ignore, yet to begin a process of participating in the world from a more non-reactive place, a solution based ideology. To do this we will have to face some uncomfortable truths about ourselves, healing aeon long programming related to self righteousness, persecution and disownership of our reality. Explore more in this session.
Energy Update: This is part 1 of a series exploring the current state of the world and examining it from a spiritual perspective. This is done to understand our role and participation with collective reality, as well as taking responsibility for the ripples we create. When we open to and understand the nature of polarised consciousness, shadow dynamics and reflection we are gifted with numerous treasures in understanding collective reality.
Session 1: Whilst it may seem that more conflict is occurring with the current wars, what is most apparent is the conflicts between us. There are wars on the ground and wars online. This is a symptom of an increasing polarised consciousness - what is part of the journey towards unity consciousness. In this session the idea of healing, collective healing and understanding our interactions are explored.
What is the White Shadow? Traditionally we know the shadow as being the unconscious aspect of who we are, representing what we repress. This in itself is a key to healing and growth. The White Shadow can be seen as the idealised persona we present to the world and it becomes especially prevalent in the spiritual movement. Here we may feel that to be spiritual we have to be humble, less than and not reveal that we have any personal or selfish desires. Recognising and owning our white shadow can be a difficult thing to do as it takes us to a place where we truly have to look in the mirror. Yet it is incredibly rewarding as it opens the path to a more authentic spiritually embodied life. Explore more in this session.
What is the right path or right choice? Is it possible to believe in something that is true for you but not others? What is truth in multidimensional living? Unity consciousness has highlighted the polarisation of belief systems within the mainstream consciousness in recent years, creating an illusionary external conflict of polar opposite beliefs. Yet the real conflict is within. Once we recognise this we are free of the black and white perspective of reality - we see colour. Explore more in this session
The moment I redefined my relationship to struggle, everything changed. The spiritual movement tends to portray a goal - a life of ease involving effortlessness and continuous joy. I used to mirror this belief where if you struggled in any way it meant you were unaligned or not in flow.
The paradox - a life full of continuous struggle. As I continuously deferred from any form of difficulty.
Redefining our relationship to struggle is an embodiment of what it means to be human.
Explore more in this session.
The Alternative movement is an incredible movement expanding the way we think about reality and the nature of consciousness itself. The mainstream as we may call it, refers to what we refer to as normal, what is traditional, what society accepts. For a long time I believed the alternative movement was the only path towards expanding consciousness. Yet as unity consciousness reveals to us, things are not black and white.
What role does the mainstream have in teaching us how to balance? What gifts and treasures lay in our polar opposite? What judgements do we have towards what is normal? Can we in fact progress if we are perceiving society as being a certain way? Why are we triggered by polarised themes? Using health as an example, explore how our perspective can greatly influence our personal spiritual transformation.
Explore more in this session. Blessings on your journey.
The Unity consciousness session mentioned is entitled Turning Spirituality on its head: Unity Consciousness Healing and can be listened to in this podcast.
These sessions are an invitation for more expanded awareness, greater compassion and loving wisdom to support unified consciousness, integration, unity.
What if there is a different healing journey for those already spiritually inclined? One that contradicts the general focus of mainstream spiritual healing?
This session is perhaps the most important in understanding the nature of all what I share through these podcasts. It is the framework for looking at what needs healing in a very different way…
For along time on my spiritual path I focused on developing what I determined were 'spiritual aspects', disregarding what I had determined were 'unspiritual traits'. Over time I had many issues with reality which I spent much time trying to heal - such as fears of being seen, playing it small, wanting (later attracting) money, being ungrounded, poor boundaries, lack of motivation, commitment, discipline, relationship issues... It wasn't until I began to question my perspective on healing itself that opened me up to finally healing them.
Unity consciousness will turn everything on its head in order for us to truly integrate. This session explores this and offers a way of healing that incorporates unity consciousness - embracing our polar opposites.
Blessings on your journey, Namaste
The podcast currently has 189 episodes available.