Purity Part 2 – Episode #26
In This Episode...
The branches continue their discussion from last week. They talk about purity, how it is not legalism, and the heart. The section on resources provides an in depth review on how to use them effectively.
00:50 – Segment 1
Satan deceives us by asking did God really say.
Does fast forwarding through the bad parts of shows really work?
It comes down to an issue of the heart.
Phil Moser and his books on Biblical Strategies use the lie, the truth, and the promise. The lie is I can watch and not be affected or I can just fast forward.
John J. demeans Christian entertainment.
The branches discuss legalism and how to avoid that in the quest for purity. John J. mentions a podcast that talks about this topic frequently, Theocast
It comes down to a matter of conscience.
James asks “What is it about this show that is satisfying?” in order to get to the heart issue.
This leads to Root sins vs. fruit sins.
We talk about the heart in our conversation with Dr. and Mrs. Tedd Tripp which you can find here.
14:33 – Segment 2
Okay, so can we enjoy worldly entertainment?
James has another diagnostic question with how much time do you spend in the Word.
With this, James sends out a challenge. Email him!
We talk about nuts and bolts and mention a number of resources
Prayer is a powerful resource.
The Idol Babbler gave us a resource by suggesting if we are looking with lust, start to pray for that person.
Sexual sin is something everyone deals with.
Accountability is an important resource, but trust needs to be there
The solution is the gospel.
Scripture Discussed in the Show
Matthew 5:8 Episode Verse
Philippians 4:6-8
Hebrews 2:1
Plugged in Movie Review
”Every Man’s Battle” by Fred Stoeker and Stephen Arterburn
”Finally Free” by Heath Lambert
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Episode Length 35:52
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