Speaking from the Heart - Astrology Reading - A FULL REAL Astrology Consultation
In today's episode of Living LOUD, an astrology podcast, we are discussing Tifni's chart. She is an self learned astro enthusiast who is has been interested in astrology for a couple years and took the chance to be my first guest on the new format of my podcast! I noticed that it was really difficult to find any astrology consultations or astrology readings on youtube (and all astrologers consult differently anyway) but I would have loved to have insight into this as a newbie astrologer.
We talked about her journey with a traumatic upbringing (mars ruled 4th house) and communication issues (retrograde Venus and mercury in the 7th trine mars, Pluto and Saturn in the 3rd), and protecting our children from the toxic mentality of previous generations.
Join us today in the 1st consultative interview of the new format of LIVING LOUD!
Living LOUD is a podcast and astrology consultation all in one. Come see what astrology charts have to show us about creating a map of our personality and priorities and meet Shanae more up close and personal.
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