In this session, C (who has trouble with the contact) and L channel Hatonn, who asks the group to accept, recognize, and celebrate Spring. Next, Carla briefly channels Latwii, who encourages the group to not fear death, but fear a life un-lived or unappreciated.
Next, Jim channels Latwii, who opens the session to questions: What happened with C channeling Hatonn earlier? Is the Shroud of Turin the actual burial cloth of Christ, and what created the image on it? Could Latwii discuss the waxing and waning of L’s dedication toward seeking? Could Latwii discuss the subject of healing? Could Latwii comment on a spiritual experience K had in her past? How does one become an instrument? Were the sixties and seventies a time of reawakening or reappraisal? Will the year 2000 be a climactic time? M is having trouble dealing with a friend’s incessant happiness; is that friend’s happiness good or not? Can happiness and shallowness be separated?
This meditation can be found at
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Disclaimer: This is not an L|L Research production. However, explicit permission has been granted by L|L Research to create these episodes.
A note about these transcripts from the L|L Research website
This telepathic channeling has been taken from transcriptions of the weekly study and meditation meetings of the Rock Creek Research & Development Laboratories and L/L Research. It is offered in the hope that it may be useful to you. As the Confederation entities always make a point of saying, please use your discrimination and judgment in assessing this material. If something rings true to you, fine. If something does not resonate, please leave it behind, for neither we nor those of the Confederation would wish to be a stumbling block for any.
#LawOfOne #LLResearch #Hatonn #Latwii