The Milwaukee Wave is the longest running soccer franchise in the United States, having been a fixture in the city since 1984. As a sports franchise, the club experiences some unique benefits and challenges that other industries may not face - but as a business, there are plenty of parallels as well. Keith Tozer, Head Coach and Senior VP of Soccer Operations, explains to Tim Muma the reasons for the Wave's sustained success both as a business and as a team on the field. Keith also discusses the various aspects of acquiring employees (players), his philosophies as a manager (coach), the dynamics of sports and business, and the franchise's connection to charities and the communities in Wisconsin. Scrambled Eggs takes a hodgepodge, entertaining approach to the employment realm. This show will undoubtedly give you a laugh, make you appreciate your job a little more, or at least take your mind off the stresses of life. In here, bad is good and weird is better!