Marianne Castano Bishop, Ed.D., Platform Product Manager
Mian Bishop has been passionate about accessibility and internationalization since she was a young girl growing up with neighbors from different countries and a few with disabilities. She has been a steadfast advocate for people with disabilities while serving as manager, administrator, trainer, faculty member, researcher and as a doctoral student at Harvard. She prefers to use the term “diverse abilities” as she believes each individual has a set of gifts that makes him or her unique. Diversity and inclusion have always been part of her personal and professional life. She echoes the World Wide Web Consortium’s message that web accessibility is essential for some and useful for all. Quoting Tim Berners-Lee, she agrees that “the power of the Web is in its universality.” Everyone should have access to the Web. She can be reached at [email protected].
In this episode, we discuss the usability of library resources and accessibility (A11y) for all.