Orbital - Facebook Live Interview 02.12.17
London Hammersmith with Steve Price (Loopz)
Posted by Steve Price (Loopz - www.twitter.com/steveloopzprice).
As promised, here is the clean audio version of the Facebook live interview from Hammersmith Apollo in London on December 2nd 2017.
Thanks for everyone who submitted questions via email, twitter, facebook and in person! Also, thanks for dealing with the sound issues on the day.
Lots of subjects discussed including new tracks, new album, 2018, the wonky map, 30th anniversary, live setup, synths, old classics, touring, Brighton, video diaries, Belfast and cheese!
Personally I had a fantastic couple of days and met loads of new and old (familiar) Orbital fans at the pub meetups and the gigs.
Orbital are not showing any signs of slowing down and next year is going to be an interesting one for sure!