Keith Ellison-- is misleading this entire country. He only increased the charges because of the American Out Cry. Never before has a Murdered Black Man murdered by the police, caused an out cry that is being acted out in over 18 different countries. So of course, he had to take action. But his actions describes himself and the way this Countries justice (just-us) system views us, simultaneously. The charges show he is scared or following orders. The evidence that would play in front of a 12 person jury is enough to convict anybody of first degree murder. If two ppl were fighting in the street and if one kneeled on the others neck for 9 minutes, that would had been an easy first degree murder charge. But, because he was a police officer, who was so important that the tax payers are paying alot of money for the amount of officers that was and still posted in front of his house, he shouldn't face first degree murder charges like a regular US citizen would? The United States Justice System does not feel a White former police officer should get life for killing a Black Man. But if George Floyd killed Derek Chauvin by kneeling on his neck, he surely would had gotten the needle. Even if Derek wasn't a police officer, he still may have gotten the needle for killing a White Man so callously. Yet, this piece of shit, who has already shot and killed a few people during his 18 years on the force, only gets second degree murder charges. Keith Ellison, bring your Love Boat looking ass over herrrre, boy! Fuck is wrong with you slim? For one, in just the video, how do you lack any elements of first degree murder. His Pre- Meditation didn't have to happen before he arrived on the scene. His Pre- Meditation began when he kneeled on his neck and didn't get up for close to 9 minutes. Six minutes of kneeling on Mr. Floyd's neck, his body goes limp. By Chauvin not getting up clearly reinforces his intent to kill. This shit is simple. His White Life is worth more than George Floyd's life? That's what I felt when I heard the charges. I really cringed at the charges you lodged against the other three chumps. Aiding and Abetting is when one intentionally aids one to committ a crime. In this incident, they assisted an officer making an arrest and allowed him to take charge of his arrest. That's what them whores will say and win in court. They didn't aid and abet. Those charges won't even make it to trial. They flimsy as hell bruh. They should be charged with second degree murder. They intentionally allowed one of their own officers kneel on a handcuffed suspect neck for 9 minutes. From their training, they knew he was going to die. That's second degree murder. Not no weak ass aiding and Abetting. Do you know what felony murder is. When one can catch a murder case if a felony was being done. A body drops during an armed robbery, that's felony murder. So, if four of us went to rob a spot and you kill the owner without my involvement, I will still get charged with the murder. The same applies to this incident. All was involved in his death all need to be held accountable for his death. And Keith Ellison, you know this. Black Man. You a fucking coward and I'm livid that you would attempt to mis lead this country. Black Man, George Floyd may be just another nigga to you, but he was loved by many, before this incident. Why would you not charge three officers with murder, manslaughter, but aiding and Abetting like they had no role in Mr. George's death. That's some bitch ass shit. If four Black Men were on the scene of a White Man being killed by one guy, tell me all of those Black Men wouldn't have some type of charge holding them responsible for a death occuring in their presence. Why are you not holding Police Officers to that same standard. You bullshitting Black. Up those charges and get REAL JUSTICE FOR FLOYD!!!! Thank You again for everybody that has taken up this battle!! Listen to my next Podcast where I call everybody to ARMS AND WHY