Natural Health and how to prevent diseases to our children
How to teach nutrition to our kids
Benefits of organic food to our children and their growth process
What is Nutrition Response Testing and Muscle testing
Today we are going to talk about how to develop our children in a natural way so that they don’t need to go to the doctor and stay away from chronic diseases.. How to educate our children to be healthy and be disease free? I think this is the most important topic for each parent – how to keep diseases away from our children.
Our guest today is Suzy Harris from the United States - an Applied Kinesiology Chiropractor, Natural Health Physician, and the owner of Cedar Wood Natural Health Center in South Burlington Vermont. She has a holistic approach to healing and using food as medicine preventing our children from getting sick in the first place – which is an approach I highly value and wish more and more doctors would like to prevent diseases from happening.
With her podcast Next 7 she is aiming at helping people to take ownership of their health and their children’s health.
Link to her practice where. you can get in touch with Dr. Harris
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