Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression, Low Self-Confidence
Are common when a relationship breaks down or ends in divorce
Wondering what the future will hold and
how things will turn out
can send even a healthy, happy person
into a state of turmoil and unrest
It's in this time more than ever
we need to turn to nature and
our own bodies natural defense system to help us.
I care about your happiness
And that's why
I'm excited to share with you
an Interview with Laila Lallas
Managing Director of a Ladies Fitness Center, who has 25 years
helping people live healthier, fitter lives
In the interview she will explain the 7 Surprising Reasons
why exercise can make you happier
and how to get started, no matter where your starting from
For more free resources including marriage tips and divorce support visit www,
To check out Laila' gym
Marriage and divorce support