Yoga is for everyone, right? So why do we cringe at commercialized yoga when commercializing something means bringing it to the masses (i.e. everyone)? Or maybe you’ve experienced guilt charging $75+ for a private session? In this episode Michelle and guest Alex Haley discuss these topics and more as they explore the dynamic between money and yoga, and business models based on generosity and social good.
* The commercialization of yoga and how that relates to “yoga for everyone”
* Why yoga doesn’t have to be defined by the commercial realm
* Alternative frameworks to offering yoga as a fee for service
* Gift economics, gift exchange and generosity-based business models
* Integrating social benefit into your business
* Donation-based yoga
* How money changes the relationship between student and teacher
* How to tech less, and teach more
* Show notes with ALL CLICKABLE LINKS (
* OfferingTree ( Build your website, start your email list and collect payments today!
* The Thriving Yoga Teacher: How to Create a Sustainable Career Doing What You Love (
* Alex’s OfferingTree site with upcoming events (
* Alex is a contributing author to Still, in the City
* OfferingTree referenced testimonial from Mountain Charisma Yoga Studio by Brittney
* Daring Greatly by Brené Brown (original quote by Theodore Roosevelt about daringly greatly used by Dr. Brown)
* Centers using a dana, gift-economy, donation model: