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Hello, thanks for listening. You may relax and tune in or tune out to my Low Battery babbles and banter about topics that you and I both enjoy. Everyone is welcome to stay and/or to go. Video games to... more
FAQs about Low Battery Babbling:How many episodes does Low Battery Babbling have?The podcast currently has 9 episodes available.
May 21, 2021My Character designs in the making!I go over my Original Characters and just geek out about them. Endless rambles of pointless nonsense. I also give some advice on art as a whole!...more40minPlay
May 17, 2021Crankgameplays vs ComparisonsEthan Nestor is one of my favorite YouTubers! And I wanted to bring these problems to light. Hopefully it might change....more18minPlay
April 27, 2021Original songsMy singing is kinda shit but I liked these. And bonus! YOU GET TWO!...more10minPlay
April 27, 2021Feel(th)ings!DISCLAIMER! ¡!Mentions to mental illnesses and family issues!¡...more20minPlay
April 16, 2021Book Rants! (Ft. Alexis)Alexis is back with a book rant episode, myself adding commentary and opinions while she explains and complains!...more1hPlay
April 13, 2021Tropes, Development, and Design within Character Creation.The feature Characters are from the Marvel, DC and StarWars movies, comics and shows. They are used as examples, and all power to you if you favorite the characters. I mean no harm to the Creators and the Fans of these characters....more38minPlay
April 09, 2021Falcon and The Winter Soldier Chat (Ft. Alexis)Me (Little Buttons), and my friend Alexis go into detail and opinions about the new Show "Falcon and The Winter Soldier"...more32minPlay
April 05, 2021Intoducing Low Battery BabblingRelax and have a friendly voice speak to you about the geeky nonsense....more1minPlay
FAQs about Low Battery Babbling:How many episodes does Low Battery Babbling have?The podcast currently has 9 episodes available.