Hear Coach and Inclusion Consultant, Sunita Harley, chat to Poppy Jaman OBE who is a global ambassador for mental health in the workplace and the CEO of City Mental Health Alliance. They discuss everyday wellbeing strategies, their own stress indicators, identity as a British South Asian woman, confidence and belonging and the love of wearing something that makes you feel good.
Poppy was previously the founding CEO of Mental Health First Aid England. In the 2018 New Year’s Honours, Poppy was awarded an OBE in recognition of her services to people with mental health issues and she was named as a Game Changer in the Financial Times women of 2019 list.
You can connect with Poppy via @poppyjaman on Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter. Click here to find out more about Poppy’s work at citymha.org.uk and The 5 ways to wellbeing.
In all of the Lucky Things®️ podcasts, as a certified coach, inclusion and professional development consultant, Sunita shares practical tips on looking after our confidence, careers and wellbeing.
Please hit a SUBSCRIBE to hear future episodes and leave a quick rating/review on iTunes. Sunita launched her award-nominee blog in 2016. She works with corporates, law firms and other organisations when delivering skills, team, leadership and inclusion workshops. Sunita’s work and expertise has regularly been featured on the BBC and her work on navigating imposter thinking was featured in Cosmopolitan magazine in 2021 and 2022.
For more info on Sunita's coaching, corporate workshops, CV writing services and online masterclasses head over to @luckythingsblog on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter or www.luckythings.store
Podcast theme tune is by Richy Pitch, Music Producer, DJ and Author of Making Beats www.richypitch.com @richypitch
Podcast artwork designed by Sunita features photography from @carlymichaelshoots
Thanks again for tuning in, let's keep looking after yourselves this year.