We’re joined by repeat guest Justin, and review some games we think most people have not played. Also amidst the slew of various media remakes, we pine for games that should be remastered for current hardware.
Games Discussed this episode:
Athena - 1987, NES
Faxanadu, 1989 NES
Dragon Power, 1987 NES (original title: Dragon Ball: Shenron no Nazo)
Submerged, 2015 various platforms
Wandersong, 2018 various platforms
Tachyon the Fringe, 2000, Windows
Deer Hunter (series), 1997, various platforms
Crimson Skies, 2000 , xbox, PC
Psychonauts, 2000 various platforms
Destroy All Humans!, 2005 Xbox, PS2
System Shock 2, 1999 various platforms
Dune 2000, 1998 Windows, Playstation
Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri, 1999 various platforms
Homeworld, 1999 Windows MacOS
Final Fantasy 7 (remake), 2020 PS4
A Song for Viggo: A Game made of Paper Unfolding Depression (Kickstarter page)