0:00 Intro
2:52 Why natural birth? Why midwifery?
5:28 The rise in inductions and emergency c-sections
6:51 How epidurals and Pitocin lead to emergency c-sections and birth trauma
11:13 The risks of epidurals, Pitocin, and c-sections
17:52: Why natural birth is healthiest for mom and baby
19:09: Who turned me onto natural birth?
22:34: For low risk women, it is safer giving birth with a midwife
23:20: Birth is supposed to be hard
25:42: Conception Journey
32:58: Pregnancy
35:31: Birth Prep (Spinning Babies at 20 weeks)
37:52: 'Pain Free' Childbirth - The Bradley Method
51:33: Shayans Birth Story
Central Park Midwifery
The Bradley Method Book
Spinning Babies
Mama Natural Birth Stories