Virtually everybody loves to travel and a lot of us have been to some really cool places. But it’s a completely different experience to uproot your life and go live in a new country for a year, two years or even longer. It’s one thing to experience a new culture while on vacation but it’s whole other experience to accept it in your day to day life and actually live it.
So on the latest episode of LVL UP with YASH, I talk to Caitlin Cornwell, a transplant from Charlotte who has been living in New Delhi, India and teaching at the American Embassy School for over two years now.
We talked about the move, the culture, traffic, food, and lots more. Check out the episode through the link and let us know what you think. Virtually everybody loves to travel and a lot of us have been to some really cool places. But it’s a completely different experience to uproot your life and go live in a new country for a year, two years or even longer. It’s one thing to experience a new culture while on vacation but it’s whole other experience to accept it in your day to day life and actually live it.
So on the latest episode of LVL UP with YASH, I talk to Caitlin Cornwell, a transplant from Charlotte who has been living in New Delhi, India and teaching at the American Embassy School for over two years now.
We talked about the move, the culture, traffic, food, and lots more. Check out the episode through the link and let us know what you think.