What does it mean to Live In Alignment physically and emotionally? It's about truly inhabiting your body, noticing your own patterns of behavior and beliefs. And then...here is where it gets good...anchoring yourself into the PRESENT and finding PEACE within your BODY.
Emily knows what it is like to feel insecure, ashamed, tired, overweight, & constricted in your body. Because of her own story, Emily is passionate about supporting women through the path from disliking their bodies to loving their bodies. Through her own journey & transformation, she is able to better understand and help her clients overcome their own limitations in a much shorter time.
Talking Points:
-How HATING my body was my GREATEST gift.
-Embodiment work.
-Healing isn't linear.
-Body love.
-Rolfing structural practice.
-Connecting to your TRUE ESSENCE, and not holding yourself back.
-Learning to track the physical sensations in your body with CURIOSITY.
-What we resist...PERSISTS.
-FEELING your way through
-Pain vs. sensation (Is there something my body is trying to tell me?)
-Identifying your primary pattern of embodiment. (Body language/posture)
-Sabotaging patterns of behavior...emotionally numb, overeating.
-Effort vs. Exertion (Wow).
Contact Emily:
Emily is an Embodiment Coach, Certified Rolfer, Art of Feminine Presence Teacher, & Certified Animal Flow Instructor. She graduated from the University of Kansas with a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science.
Emily believes that your mind, body, and spirit are connected. When you take care of your body & enable it to function optimally, inevitably, other aspects of your life are affected. Emily helps her clients to release pain & the old postural & mental patterns that are keeping them stuck, small, & limited. This enables them to feel more at ease & confident in their bodies.
When you are not comfortable in your body, it affects everything, your confidence, career, relationships, etc. Emily feels passionately about helping people feel more relaxed, space, & ease in their body. How you move and how you think affect how you show up and, therefore, the impact you are able to have in the world. When your body is holding you back, your message is not heard. Through her signature process, Emily guides her clients to feel more confident, energized, and at home their bodies.
Envita Medical Center: Envita Medical Center: A Center of Excellence for Personalized Oncology and Lyme Disease Treatment located in Scottsdale, AZ. What defines Envita is the undeniable truth that every patient who has the courage to come to Envita and walk through our doors, discovers the incredible healing and compassionate care that can only exist in a clinic that is radically focused on patient outcomes;... they provide a focused team of people with an exceptional heart for serving our patients. At Envita they have discovered a revolutionary solution for patients to help improve their quality of life. Call to speak with one of their patient care coordinators today. (Ep. #80 for more info)
Link: https://www.envita.com/?utm_source=lymevoice&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=lymevoice-cpc-blog&utm_content=blog
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Link: (link)https://www.medicalbillgurus.com/
Lyme Laser Center Finally, a proven and comprehensive Lyme protocol with no antibiotics, no potentially harmful therapies, and no outrageous prices or hidden ongoing costs. Lyme Laser Centers uses their unique, technologically advanced laser systems and their numerous other supportive technologies to help you gain control of your Lyme disease and overcome the often debilitating effects that it has on your body and your life. With a completely free in-house consultation with a Lyme Laser Specialist, it's easy to learn more about the Lyme Laser Protocol™ and how it can help you overcome your Lyme. Start healing your body, naturally.
Link: www.LymeLaser.com/HomeProtocol/
Urbane Medical A boutique ketamine infusion center located in Scottsdale, AZ. Who specializes in a "hospitable" environment rather than a hospital environment. Ketamine can promote a sense of wellbeing, decreases brain fog, and reduce chronic nerve pain.
Link: https://urbanemedical.com/
Connect with Lyme Voice:
Link: https://lymevoice.com/
Instagram: @LymeVoice
Sarah Schlichte Sanchez: [email protected]