Efficientpreneur Show | Build & Scale Your Business Profitability Online With Less Time, Effort And Cost So You Can Enjoy A Fulfilling Lifestyle

Lynne Klippel on Self-Publishing Your Next Best Selling Book From Idea to Market

11.17.2016 - By Ahmed Al KiremliPlay

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Be Efficient Tv offers tips and tricks from leading experts to help you make your life and business more efficient through an in depth interviews with different thoughtful leaders, business experts, authors, founders and millionaires. You will discover strategies that you can implement easily into your everyday life to help you save time and make the most of the time that you have. Experts from a variety of backgrounds and industries are interviewed regularly to reveal their personal secrets for being more productive. Whether you are interested in learning more about what it takes to start your own business or you simply want to be more productive in your daily affairs, the experts interviewed on Be Efficient Tv can help you to be more effective, well-organized, and efficient to boost your daily life and business experience and achieve bigger outcome and results with less time, effort, and cost. Be Efficient Tv is a perfect fit for Entrepreneurs and Wantrepreneurs Be Efficient Tv is hosted by Ahmed Al Kiremli a Serial Entrepreneur, Business Advisor, Learning Junky and Efficiency Expert. He has founded many different Offline & Online Businesses, such as (IRAQI TOUCH) the first Iraqi food franchise in the world, (GAMES CORNER) an inventive gaming brand leveraging “dead space” within malls and subsequently franchised the concept, (CLIMB AND SLIDE) a kids playground franchise concept, (BEST MOVIE RATINGS) the world’s best movie ratings app, (AhmedAlKiremli.com) a consultancy business & blog, and (BeEfficient.Tv) What Are the Types and Level of Experts on Be Efficient Tv? • The world’s top visionaries, thoughtful leaders, mentors, thinkers, business experts, advisors, and consultants. • Billionaires and millionaires. • Founders and CEOs for different companies and startups. • Authors/book editors/agents / publishers. • Investors, angel investors, VCs, and private equity experts. • Marketing strategists, technology evangelists, bloggers, developers, and Internet marketing experts. • Efficiency and productivity experts. • Successful entrepreneurs, so we can learn from their success stories and failures. • High-level executives in big companies, so we can learn from their career paths and experiences in their sectors or departments. • Top athletes, Olympians, and Paralympians. • Health and fitness experts. • Mindset and wellbeing experts. For Whom Is Be Efficient Tv? Entrepreneurs and Wantrepreneurs • People who want to improve their life and business and make them more efficient through learning. • Entrepreneurs who want to be more efficient and excel in their journey. • People who want to be happy and fulfilled by finding their real purpose and acting on it to achieve their vision and add value to the world. • Entrepreneurs who want to automate their business. • People who want to use innovative hacks to automate their life and business and make them more efficient. • Different types of businesses and startups. • Employees who want to transition from the employment life to the entrepreneurial life. • Employees who want to be entrepreneurs without creating a job with a larger time commitment. • Employees who want to have a more efficient career path. • People who want to add value to the world and leave this world with a great legacy. Introduction Lynne Klippel is A Publisher...Who Focuses on YOU, Ghost Writer and book coach who specializes in helping speakers, coaches, and business owners write books as marketing tools. Bio Lynne Klippel Has Had A Lifelong Love Affair With Books Since She Was A Baby, Thanks To Her Mother Who Instilled A Deep Love Of Reading, Learning, And Helping Others. Her first ‘ real job’ at age 13 was in her local public library, shelving books, working the check out desk, and reading stories to children. With a BS in Education and a Master’ s in Occupational Therapy, years of corporate training experience, and a flair for making complex information accessible, Lynne is a popular teacher and speaker who helps people see what to do and why it will help them reach their goals. Lynne enjoyed a rewarding corporate career as a medical librarian, researcher, and directing medical library services for a large multi-hospital system before she left that world to devote herself to full-time publishing and book coaching. Oh her final day as a library administrator, she was given a corporate award for being the “Most Innovative”- a high honor she will always cherish. The author of 9 books thus far, Lynne has experienced the disappointment of writing a book that did not sell well and the joy of achieving best-seller status twice. As a ghostwriter, she’ s able to step into the shoes of her clients and write in their voice, even when they are very different from her everyday persona. A trained and certified coach, Lynne brings deep listening, encouragement, and results to her work with authors. Since 2003, Lynne’ s published books, information products, audio programs, and home-study courses for satisfied clients all over the world. With her values of honesty, integrity, and empowerment, Lynne pridesherself in encouraging and inspiring authors to share their unique wisdom and bless the world. In 2012, Lynne fulfilled a life-long dream and moved her business and her family to the Andes Mountains in southern Ecuador. She relishes having an international business and writing in such a beautiful and peaceful setting. It amazes her that she can talk on the phone with clients from the US and Canada in the morning and then go to an indigenous market to buy farm-fresh produce in the afternoon. To read about Lynne’ s Ecuadorian adventures on her personal blog go to www.MovingDown.com Your friend in the book business. Publisher and book coach who specializes in helping speakers, coaches, and business owners write books as marketing tools. Do you have a great book idea? I'd love to hear about it. Email me at [email protected]. Since 2003, I've worked with people just like you- smart people who have discovered something in their life experiences which needs to be shared with the world in book format. I specialize in helping professionals write and publish professional books designed to highlight their expertise, create a lasting legacy, position them a leader in their industry, and grow their revenues. My clients are executives, speakers, coaches, consultants, therapists, entrepreneurs, and healers of all sorts. My team and I provide complete solutions for authors including editing, ghostwriting, publishing, author websites, book marketing, and strategies on how to use your book to create a solid return on investment for your business. One word of warning... I am passionate about books and won't publish anything that makes you embarrassed or detracts from your professional image. My clients rely on me to ensure that their books are the very best than can be. My job is make sure your book is professional, accurate, and makes you proud. I worry about those details so you are free to be creative. Check out my work at SageMountainBooks.com and Business BuildingBooks.com Specialties: Non-fiction Book development, book websites, internet marketing, internet radio shows, information marketing, self publishing, book marketing, book writing help, ghostwriting Lynne Klippel has been an author, publisher, ghost writer, and book coach since 2004. She's taught thousands of aspiring authors who rave about her ability to remove overwhelm from the process ofwriting and publishing. Her company, BusinessBuildingBooks.com, focuses on the marriage of internet marketing and publishing so that her clients not only create great books but related products and services to extend their brand and create additional revenue streams. Lynne's worked with aspiring authors from six of the seven continents and would be thrilled to meet someone from Antarctica who longs to write a book. The books Lynne publishes are known for their quality, professionalism and outstanding design. The host of the popular Successful Author Secrets program, Lynne's interviewed best-selling authors Michael Gerber, Marci Shimoff, Barbara DeAngelis, Michael Port and T Harv Ecker, as well as over 100 other authors, business and publishing experts. She's been featured on Lifetime Television, Working Mother magazine, and scores of radio interviews. In 2012 Lynne fulfilled a life-long dream and moved with her family to the Andes Mountains in Ecuador where she writes and works with aspiring authors from all over the globe. http://businessbuildingbooks.com https://twitter.com/LynneKlippelhttps https://www.facebook.com/lynneklippel https://www.linkedin.com/pub/lynne-klippel/1/98/36b http://www.amazon.com/Lynne-Klippel/e/B001JRZUZI https://www.facebook.com/businessbuildingbooks https://plus.google.com/u/0/106763002603977092690/posts Interview Questions Why Ecuador? How did you start in the book publishing & writing industry? Why writing a book? How many books you wrote so far please share with us what inspired you to write each one of them? Why writing a book? What are the different methods to write efficiently? Best time to write from your experience with different authors? The research process should be done before or through writing process? Question from Akbar Khan (what’s the best way to start a book and when is the best time to? Also how does one transition a story into a story for a movie? How to structure a book? How long is the average length of a non-fiction book? How to find an agent? Publishing vs. Self Publishing? If you have both options what to chose? How much a developmental editing should cost vs. a copyediting? How important to add an index to a book? How to get noticed in the current noisy Internet world? Writing or marketing a book is more difficult? What to do online to market a book efficiently? From branding perspective authors should write Book series or different book titles? How much a book marketing campaign should cost for new authors? Does it really matter to hit the no.1 Amazon best seller through giving my book for free? Why your books are not available on audible? Is it possible to sign with a major publisher and keep the rights for the online Distribution? How to hit the New York Times best selling list? How do you structure your share as publisher with the authors that you are working with? How much do you charge for 1 on 1 coaching? How much do you charge for ghost writing and editing? How many team members are currently working with you? How many of them are outsourced? What does spirituality & meditation have changed in your life? Share with us some of the tools or software that makes you more efficient? What's your daily life and work routine looks like? Which company, product or service made you most of your money? What’s one marketing strategy that helped you the most in developing your business? What are your other hobbies? Who are your top 3 mentors? The most important factors for success in 3 words? What’s the biggest failure moment in your life and what did you learn from it? What are the habits that you are trying to develop to stay efficient? What do you do to change your mood when you are depressed? What’s the best advice that you ever received? If you have the chance, what would you say to advice your younger self? What are your top 3 favorite books? What are the top 3 people that you are inspired by? What makes you really happy? How people can contact you?

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