Greetings! This is Lynne August. I am very enthused to introduce you to Lyte H2. Lyte – L Y T E – in Lyte H2 is Health Equations’ electrolyte powder. A reminder: our electrolytes are body battery fluid, battery fluid that increases the charge on our trillions of cells, charging our body battery.
When water is added to Lyte H2 hydrogen gas is released. H2 is hydrogen gas. H, hydrogen, is the smallest atom and H2, two hydrogen atoms, is the smallest molecule. It penetrates every membrane. Since there is no H2 in the body, it automatically moves per the concentration gradient from one compartment to the next– once ingested, from the stomach into blood, and then into cells where it ultimately affects the nucleus of cells.
Although H2 is called an antioxidant, it is not an antioxidant per se. Rather molecular hydrogen triggers our DNA to produce our own antioxidants, antioxidants if and when needed. Research published in 2015 shows how molecular hydrogen releases a protein, a transcription factor that activates over two dozen antioxidant genes.* Call it antioxidants-on-demand!
Antioxidants neutralize ROS, reactive oxygen species, or free radicals. Free radicals are molecules containing oxygen and an unpaired electron. If these unpaired electrons within the free radicals are not bound with an antioxidant, they chemically destabilize DNA, proteins, and lipids by stealing their electrons. This creates a chain reaction of electron stealing. This is oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is the root cause of all diseases.
It has eluded physicians and researchers throughout the world for decades why antioxidant supplements do not treat or prevent chronic disease. Neither do antioxidants slow down aging, as demonstrated in many large studies in the last two decades. I offer an explanation: Antioxidant supplements are indiscriminate; they also suppress wanted oxidation! Oxidation is necessary to turn food into heat and energy; expel pathogens, e.g., viruses and bacteria; disable and remove toxins; repair damaged tissues; and provide the benefits from exercise. So antioxidants-on-demand is far superior to taking supplemental antioxidants, hoping we will get the right amount at the right time in the right place without suppressing necessary and wanted oxidation.
Oxidative stress is not only caused by reactive oxygen species. Reactive nitrogen species are at least as harmful. Molecular hydrogen decreases the production of nitric oxide and superoxide in cells. Nitric oxide and superoxide readily combine to form peroxynitrites. The primary danger of EMFs, electromagnetic fields, is mitochondrial damage caused by peroxynitrites.
Manmade electromagnetic fields increase peroxynitrite production in cells. What are electromagnetic fields, and specifically, what are manmade electromagnetic fields?
Electromagnetic fields or EMFs, also called electromagnetic radiation, like gravity, is an invisible force that exists everywhere. Trees, air, the Sun, the Earth, and all the stars and planets are reflecting and emitting a wide range of electromagnetic radiation. EMFs encompass all light and life forms. Humans emit electromagnetic radiation, too, such as heat, which can be detected using infrared cameras. EMFs are an essential element our bodies need, like water and air.
Manmade EMFs, on the other hand, come from power lines, electric wiring, and household appliances- from televisions, hair dryers, and baby monitors to refrigerators, washing machines, and microwave ovens. Manmade EMFs also come from computers, WiFi, cell phones, Bluetooth devices, remote controls, smart meters, and cell phone towers.
There are two differences between natural EMFs and manmade or artificial EMFs th