What's up, Potato Heads? Back in the simpler times of 2021, before a mob of violent white supremacists took over the capitol, we had so much to say about cultural appropriation that we made two episodes out of it. In pt. 1, we Ketchup by talking about Bridgerton and then intro our appropriation discussion by dissecting whatever the fuck Hillary Baldwin was thinking when she tried to pull one over on the world and tell us all she's a Spanish immigrant. Next week we get into everyday cultural appropriation and how we can all keep working on appreciating and admiring rather than columbusing* other cultures.
*Acting like shit belongs to you simply because you're white
Our Off the Couch Potatoes segment will be part of next week's episode, but in the meantime, be sure to recognize and thank Stacey Abrams, Deborah Scott, Felicia Davis, Keisha Lance Bottoms, and all the other Black women who turned Georgia blue by giving suppressed citizens the chance to vote.