Apple and AT&T are teaming up to improve cellular service in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria, with the activation of LTE Band 8.
Amid reports that say only 2 to 3 million iPhone X units will be available at launch, Apple Chief Operating Officer, Jeff Williams, will meet with Terry Gou, Chairman of Foxconn. Whilst it wasn’t revealed what topics would be discussed, they will presumably be looking at ways to deal with the manufacturing bottleneck the upcoming iPhone is facing.
Apple’s Craig Federighi has responded to a customer’s email that was asking whether or not we would see an October keynote event. Federighi simply said, “I think we’re all Keynoted out for the season!”
Apple is being sued by an app developer, Enrique Bonansea, who claims that he came up with the name “Animoji” in 2014, and registered it with the United States Patent and Trademark Office in 2015.