Listen up, everyone. There are a lot of misinformed mainstream media figureheads giving totally false information out to the world and I can't sit back and let people here the wrong information. I am not a medical professional myself, and I do recommend you only get your medical information for those types of people (pharmacists, epidemiologists, toxicologists, immunologists, doctors, etc.), but I am surrounded by these people. My closest family and friends work for major pharmaceuticals and hospitals in multiple fields. They do not take part in social media in any way and have been day and night updating me on all the research happening behind closed doors as well as explaining all the wrongs the news and other mainstream media outlets are giving to the public. I felt the need to explain why the media is only interested in fear-mongering viewers and why you don't' need to be afraid of life.
Numbers around COVID-19 or SARS-Cov-2 will continue to grow, which is normal and perfectly fine. Scientists need more numbers to base studies on so the more cases and numbers available the better the knowledge and information scientists will have for the general public. DON'T PANIC! The world is not coming to an end, though the media would love to be the first to report it. They would rather be the first than the most accurate, unfortunately.
I hope I can give you peace of mind through this whole ordeal and feel better about the information that isn't being shared. Stay safe, stay happy, stay healthy! :) <3
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