This week's episode features Tara Murphy, a Toronto-based, internationally-recognized money expert.
After saving $100,000 before age 24, Tara bought her first property downtown Toronto, and scored her dream job at a Bay Street Investment Bank. Since then, Tara has started her own consulting business (TMM), blog, created an online course, and has taught thousands of students. Tara focuses on helping young entrepreneurs and women work through money blocks, negotiate salaries, pay off debt, manage day to day finances, and learn to invest.
With a dedicated following of over 25K on social media, and hundreds on her mailing list - Tara’s unique spin on financial advice has made her a trusted, go-to voice for ambitious women, young people, and entrepreneurs alike. Tara is committed to writing, speaking, and continuing to educate others about personal finance, while encouraging them to curate and create the life of their dreams.
Listen in to learn about:
What money mindset really is & how to overcome these barriers as a business owner
How to go about raising capital for your business & what investors are looking for
Where to start if you’re looking at getting into investing
How often you should be checking in on your finances as a business owner
Ways in which you can start making passive income and considerations to make beforehand
How much you should be saving, investing & spending, personally, and as a business ownerWebsite:
Contracts Market: Affordable, customizable, Canadian contracts for your business
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