This week I am joined by Limited content behemoth, Chord_O_Calls AKA Alex Nikolic to talk about out set reviews for LCI from the perspective of an almost finished format.
I was always thorn about set reviews. On the one hand, they are useful to get accustomed to cards before the format starts, but on the other, they are frequently based on wild speculations and - to my knowledge - rarely scrutinized for their accuracy.
To change that, my set reviews are reversed. I invite a guest and review the set with them but do not release it. Instead of that, our grades wait locked up for the format to end. Then we can see what we got wrong and right. Where are the typical mistakes and how can we avoid them in the future. And who to do it better than one of the best card evaluators in the business?
See how we did and what we missed in LCI. Also - this is a sort of a send off of the format - in wait for the previews to hit.
You can find Alex on Twitter, Twitch, and YouTube.
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Reminder: This podcast is a recording of a stream, which relies heavily on graphics. Check the youtube recording of it to see any graphs that are hard to imagine in the audio-only format:
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Theme song: You Do You, Mana Junkie by essesq (c) copyright 2020 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Mana Junkie