Anna is a kinesiologist and she focusses on healing family relationships and she also supports women through their birthing journey. Many women have subconscious trauma from their own birth and from their own children’s birth.
Birth is such a wonderful and intense time for women and it can be incredibly empowering for some mothers or it can be very traumatic. I have had both of those experiences which I share with you.
We chat about the wounding of the sisterhood and how we find our voice and step into our power. It doesn’t matter if your babies birth is natural or has had medical intervention, however it it does need to be on your terms.
Anna openly shares her story and how she became a kinesiologist and her own experience of healing and how trauma is imprinted from birth. We chat about how we inherit so much trauma from our lineage and how we can change this so it doesn’t get passed onto our children.
We laugh about how similar our kids are to us and how we can help and support them so they don’t experience the same struggles and they have positive and strong core beliefs.
Our birthing story is also reflected in our lives. Anna shares how she felt unsupported and unheard during her birth and this is how she feels in her business despite having support.
The healing continues.
Our births are a concentrated gateway and we are the master manifestors of our stories and we create what we need to heal. We share our journeys of feeling unsupported and how we can start to change our story.
Ask yourself –
What is the story you are feeling yourself?
What is the core emotion?
What do you need to heal?
We chat about how to stay in flow and what to do when you fall down the negativity rabbit hole. How to take inspired action when you need it and listen to the mental and behavioural messages of your body.
This is such an incredible chat and has the most views on my Youtube channel. You can see the video here
“You will keep manifesting it until you heal it”
Connect with Anna
Damara Wellbeing
Mentions –
Watch Kim Newing’s birth video (over 16,000 views) here
Nadine Richardson – She Births
Watch this and the other amazing interviews from the mamas in my Magnetic Mama tribe on my YouTube channel
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