A school’s website is without a doubt the most important element in it’s marketing strategy. Serving as a link between the school and the public, a good website should not only be functional, but visually appealing. Its a perfect way to reinforce your schools brand, while keeping parents, students, and even faculty all on the same page (no pun intended).
So if your website is falling short of your expectations, not living up to it’s full potential, or maybe just in need of a post 90’s face-lift, give us a call at 713.652.2030 or email us at info@academicbranding.com and we’d be happy to help with all your marketing needs.
Remember to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes to get these downloaded straight to your podcast library. If you have a question, or if you would like to submit a topic for discussion, email us at podcast@academicbranding.com.
Until next time!
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