Notoriously recognized as one of the most overworked and overstressed age group, 20 year olds today are facing a dangerous health crisis. We’re battling obesity, hormonal imbalances such as Hyper and Hypothyroidism and PCOD, autoimmune diseases and severe nutritional deficiencies. One of the bigger contributors to this crisis has been our relationship with food - alongside the intense cravings and not knowing when to put a hault to stress eating or overeating, we are also placed with the problem of information overload. We often don’t know how to navigate through the plethora of information that is out there on nutrition and health and sometimes end up giving in to drastic diet patterns and other trending food habits.
However, joining me today is Naghma Nurany, a health expert who is also a core member of India’s greatest health expert Rujuta Diwekar’s team of nutritionists. Naghma advocates simplicity in food habits and endorses the implementation of long standing food traditions passed on to us by our ancestors. She is of the view that 20 year olds today can fight the battle of growing health issues by shifting their perspective of food from macros and micro to local and seasonal and also by following eating patterns that are easy to abide by and are sustainable in the long run.