If you own a pet, selling your home can be a bit more challenging. Luckily, there are four steps you can take in order to be successful. Looking to buy in Orange County? Get a full Home Search Looking to sell in Orange County? Get a free Home Price Evaluation If you own a pet, there are a few things you need to do to make sure that your pet doesn’t ruin your home sale. There are four steps you should take: 1. Don’t leave your pets in the house during showings. You don’t want to leave your dog walking around while a prospective buyer is there. That is a huge liability issue, especially if worse comes to worst and the dog bites the buyer. Even if your dog is in a crate, it’s still a huge distraction to buyers. 2. Prepare your backyard. Your yard can be a minefield, so make sure you pick up all droppings and repair any holes that your pet has dug. Replace those areas with some kind of sod if you can and, of course, keep your pet out of this area during showings. Pet odors kill real estate deals.3. Eliminate any odors. Bad odors can kill real estate deals, and pet odors can be especially strong. You may not notice the smell but if your agent does, steam and clean your carpet and replace any bedding or pillows. Odors can affect your sale price, too, so do your best to clean your home. 4. Get rid of any pet hair. If your dog is an excessive shedder, brush them outside and give them frequent baths. If a buyer has allergies, the smallest amount of dander can make them flare up and send them running to the door. Plus, your house simply doesn’t look well-kept if it’s covered in pet hair. Following these four simple tips will help your home appeal to pet owners and non-pet owners alike. If you have any other questions about selling your home, just give me a call or send me an email. I would be happy to help you!