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In this episode you‘re going to discover:
Can you make a living podcasting?
Is podcasting profitable?
How many downloads does the average podcast get?
How much does Joe Rogan make per episode?
What is the most successful podcast?
How do I grow my podcast audience? Making Money with Sponsored Podcast Episodes
$50 CPM x 100,000 = 50 x 100 = $5,000 per sponsor per episode
$75 CPM x 100,000 = $7,500 per sponsor per episode
$100 CPM x 100,000 = $10,000 per sponsor per episode
Making Money by Selling Online Courses On Your Podcast
100,000 downloads -> 20,000 clicks to website -> 8,000 Optins (40%) -> 4,800 Webinar Attendees (60%) -> Webinar Close Rate 3% on $997 product -> 144 Sales x $997 = $143,568