Episode #42 - Amygdala Hijack 2023
Cultivating Wisdom, The MBL Program
We don’t know what we don’t know. Intelligence without wisdom is often quite destructive. Knowledge is not wisdom. The first step in cultivating wisdom is acknowledging the magnitude of what we do not know. The next step is to move out of our “thinking mind,” with its chronic judgments and interpretations, and step into the present moment by learning and practicing the habits needed to lower our walls.
It is there that we connect with a much deeper level of awareness and intelligence. This process has proven to create inspirational leadership, emotional intelligence, higher consciousness, and freedom from our ego-based fears. The resulting creativity, trust, and engagement enables career, personal, and corporate success. We are developing the openness of a child but this time with the wisdom of a master. A growing number of us are making the essential transition from believing to knowing.
Feature length episode where Phil Johnson and Arthur Geringas discuss navigating the anxious moments that happen when amygdala hijacks sieze our lives and how they affect our personal and business relationships.
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Regards, Phil
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Audio Recorded at http://www.theorangelounge.com/