Every coaching session requires 6 core elements for your clients to get sustainable results.
When any of the elements are ignored or not included in your session your clients will likely struggle to achieve their goals.
Most coaches include 2 or 3 of these elements in their coaching sessions and aren’t even aware of the other elements.
Which is why on today’s podcast I am sharing with you all 6 elements and how to begin to incorporate them into your coaching sessions, so your clients do get the results they so desperately want.
Listen here to find out what they are and how you can integrate them into your sessions.
Understanding these elements is one thing, but being able to incorporate them into your sessions with ease and flow requires practice, repetition, and feedback.
I know that you want to be the best coach you can be for your clients because I feel the exact same way, which is why I am continually investing in honing and refining my skills.
It’s also why I created the Live Your Dharma Coaching Certification. Don’t think of it as another program to learn new tools or techniques, this is a playground where you play, practice and embody what it means to be a powerful coach who provides life transforming results for your clients.
Doors are open for the November cohort.
Apply here, it's time to start playing.