Dana and Ryan welcomed Dr. Washington Hill to the show. Prior to his work in Rwanda teaching obstetric and nursing students, Dr. Hill served as President and Chief of the Medical Staff at Sarasota Memorial Hospital, as well as Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Medical Director of Labor and Delivery. He was also an active member of the Healthy Start Coalition Volunteer Executive Board, championing the important role that Healthy Start plays in providing a strong continuum of care for pregnant women, babies, and families in Sarasota County. Dr. Hill spoke to us about his work in Rwanda and offered some insight into global and local solutions in maternal and infant health.
Next up, we spoke to Healthy Start Coalition of Sarasota County Executive Director Shon Ewens and Marketing and Grants Coordinator Ciera Coleman about the second annual Giving Sarasota a Healthy Start luncheon. This year’s theme was “Thinking Globally, Acting Locally”. Dr. Hill was the keynote speaker of the event.