In this episode we chat to Leah Hunt who talks to us about her live teaching that has been going on since the start of lockdown. While many schools spent time finding their feet, Leah and the rest of her department took to Collaborate Ultra to engage with their pupils and to continue teaching as normal. Their commitment is second to none!
Going beyond that, they all invested in visualisers to enhance their teaching and to ensure pupils could see exactly how work should be presented.
There is no doubt that Leah is a huge fan of these visualisers and I'd almost go as far to say that once you have listened, you'll be wanting to buy one yourself (or at least convince your department to get one or two!)
Also, why not try count how many times she says the word visualiser!
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If you are a teacher with something you would like us to chat about, please get in touch as we plan for future episodes. Similarly, if you would like to be chat about anything with us, do let us know - we look forward to hearing from you!