Cooking is at the heart of every family life. Like every family tradition, cooking grows old and is passed down from one generation to the next. Believing that cooking is more fun when filled with tradition and love, Queen of Broadcasters, Tracy Hazzard of Podetize™, visits host, Chef Marie, to share her family cooking traditions, taking us to her childhood and the recipes that she has grown with and loved. She then gives us her banana bread recipe that is a great way to never waste bananas that go bad. As the co-founder of the largest podcast post-production company in the U.S., it is natural to ask how Tracy copes with nutrition amidst her very busy schedule. She tells us how she does it while imparting some advice for those striving and aspiring entrepreneurs out there. Take a deep dive into this great conversation that shows why the kitchen is where love happens.
And at the very end, add 1 1/2 cup mashed bananas.
Bake for 375 degrees 25+ for small cake mold, and 55+ for a big pyrex mold.
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