I'm not going to sit here and write a lengthy post of how awesome, talented, and an all around nice guy Benton Paul is. And how I know him personally in one of those hey let's stop and chat a bit relationships. This post is more of an invite. Benton Paul is a talented musician, singer-songwriter, and has some decent beat boxing skills. Word has it he use to get down like Michael Jackson in his younger years. Enough with the homage to BP just go to the iTunes Store and download the free track that is featured in the Discovery Download, but don't stop there get his new EP Trois and his full-length album Grey. Also be sure to visit his website, friend him or become a fan on Facebook, follow him on Twitter, subscribe to his blog, friend request him on MySpace. Don't forget to purchase some Merch and watch his videos on YouTube and just check out his shows (if you're in the Utah area or whenever he's on tour). This was just an invitation but this post also includes an exclusive track he did for Schooled Magazine many moons ago. A cover to Aqualung- Brighter Than Sunshine Brighter Than Sunshine (Aqualung Cover) Who knows maybe will get him on the show this weekend. LinksOfficial WebsiteBlogiTunesMerchFacebookFacebook 2TwitterMySpaceYouTube That's Some Sweet Merch! Tell us what you think of Benton Paul? What you love about his music? And what you think of the new EP? Also would you rock those headphones? Feedback, Comment, and Support.