It's very important to take care of tooth infection as soon as you can as they may lead to other problems. You do not want this to affect your heart.
Teeth and gum infections may indicate anger, irritation and unresolved frustrations with lack of emotional support (also financial support).
Underlying the health of gums and teeth is the health of your guts. This healing session goes to the root causes of teeth, gum and gut issues.
You may need a box of kleenex tissue with you while listening to this podcast. It is safe to release from your sinuses. A running nose for just a day or two may be your body's way of releasing toxins.
If you have a leaking gut issue, what if you're allergic to all the fake and unnatural stuff in food as well as in people? What else do you know you're allergic to?
What are you not willing to be real with?
The preservatives in food may wreck havoc in your guts and what if you're actually preserving relationships that no longer work for you? Are you willing to let go of all that no longer supports you so that you can receive what is real and supportive for you?