Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), a condition in which blood clots form in the deep veins, affects as many as 900,000 Americans each year and can cause symptoms such as pain while walking and a burning sensation in the legs. Learn who’s most at risk of developing DVT and common treatment options.
Intro: MedStar Washington Hospital Center presents Medical Intel where our healthcare team shares health and wellness insights and gives you the inside story on advances in medicine.
Host: We’re speaking with Dr. Steven Abramowitz, a vascular surgeon at MedStar Washington Hospital Center. Thank you for joining us, Dr. Abramowitz.
Dr. Abramowitz: Thank you for having me.
Host: Today we’re discussing deep vein thrombosis, or DVT, a condition where a blood clot forms in one or more deep veins in your body. Dr. Abramowitz, could you begin by discussing how these blood clots form and where they typically arise?
Dr. Abramowitz: Sure. So, in our body, our veins are responsible for bringing blood back into our heart. Arteries take it away, veins bring it back. And, when we think of the veins in our body, there are veins that are superficial, or near the skin, and veins that are deep that run down near our bones or with our arteries. These deep veins - you could think of them, if you’re in the DC area, as our big roads - let’s say the New Hampshire’s or the Pennsylvania Avenues or the Georgia’s. And, some of our superficial veins are more like our side streets - like a T street or a U street. And, everything drains into these deep veins. But, sometimes there can be a traffic jam, and that traffic jam, in the case of our blood vessels, is a blood clot. And that blood clot can occur anywhere these deep veins are - in the arms, in the legs, essentially anywhere that you may name a deep vein. And what we find is that, depending upon where the clot is, it can lead to a variety of different symptoms. And, if that clot breaks free, it can travel back to the heart, where all the blood from our veins goes originally. And that can result in a pulmonary embolism, which can be a fatal condition.
Host: And what are some of the common symptoms of DVT?
Dr. Abramowitz: Most commonly, people who have DVT in the lower extremities, will experience swelling, pain when walking, a hot burning sensation as their leg gets warm or engorged and full of blood. And those typically are the most common complaints that people have.
Host: Who is most at risk of developing DVT?
Dr. Abramowitz: Anybody can fall victim to deep vein thrombosis. And really, it depends on what’s going on with someone else’s health. So, for example, there are plenty of patients that we treat here at MedStar Washington Hospital Center who are younger, maybe they’re in their teens, and the first time that they know they have a clotting disorder or a blood disorder that may make them more likely to make blood clots, would be the presentation with a DVT in one of their legs. Other times, patients who have had surgery or other conditions that make them less mobile or engaging in activity in their lives could be victims of DVT, as well. And, it can also be something that we find in hospitalized patients, people who are immobile in a hospital bed for extended periods of time. So really, it’s a condition that can affect anybody of any given age.
Host: How is DVT diagnosed?
Dr. Abramowitz: For the most part, it’s both a clinical diagnosis and a confirmation with ultrasound. And we use ultrasound as a simple way of diagnosing the presence of clot within the deep veins. And this is done, again, as a very quick test without radiation exposure, or dye, and it’s a simple procedure that we can do, even at the bedside, for someone who’s in the hospital.
Host: What treatment options are available for DVT?
Dr. Abramowitz: Right now, for patients who have deep vein thrombosis, we currently offer two therapies. First, most patients with deep vein thrombosis, will be treated with something that’s called an anticoagulation agent. In basic terms, it’s a blood thinner. And the reason we put somebody on a blood thinner is not that it actually gets rid of the blood clot, but that it makes it less likely for more blood clot to form because our bodies have the natural ability to break down clot over time. But for some patients who have extensive clot or a lot of clot throughout the vein, let’s say in a leg, we can actually go in with a wire and a small catheter, which is like a plastic tube or a hose, and we can give the medication directly into the clot, to make that clot go away faster for those patients, as well.
Host: And, how fast is faster for those blood clots, typically?
Dr. Abramowitz: Well, if we’re performing a procedure on a patient, usually we can get that clot away in a single session. For patients who have to have blood thinners, sometimes it can take the body up to 3 to 6 months to dissolve the clot on its own.
Host: Is there anything people can do to prevent DVT?
Dr. Abramowitz: For patients who are sick or at risk for DVT, meaning they’re not moving around a lot or they already have something else in their body that’s making them feel inflamed or more likely to develop a blood clot, those patients can both get up and walk and move around. If they can’t do that, engage in exercises so that they’re activating those muscles in their legs and circulating blood. For patients who are, let’s say younger, and they have a blood condition making them more likely for DVT, again, moving around is really important. And, a lot of times we talk about blood clots in a setting of travel or prolonged travel. So, if you’re getting on a plane, I always tell patients not to have that 2 or 3 glasses of wine and pass out, make sure you get up and walk every hour or so. And, if you’re in the hospital, or you’re in a sedentary job, or it could be you’re sitting at a desk, make sure you stand up and walk, too.
Host: Why is MedStar Washington Hospital Center the best place to receive treatment for DVT?
Dr. Abramowitz: Well, one of the great things we have here at MedStar Washington Hospital Center is an interdisciplinary approach to the management of deep vein thrombosis. People who have DVT, not only do they have symptoms now, but they can have symptoms in the future, too, because as the body breaks down that clot, it causes swelling and inflammation in the same way as if you were to get a sprained ankle - you’d have swelling and inflammation. And, that swelling and inflammation can lead to scarring of those veins. So, the deep veins - maybe they’re a four-lane highway before your blood clot, but afterwards they’re a two-lane highway. And that can lead to swelling and that sort of congested traffic for a long period of time. At Washington Hospital Center we offer all of the new therapeutic interventions for deep vein thrombosis management. Anything from sucking out the clot, which is called mechanical thrombectomy, to dissolving the clot rapidly, which we call pharmacomechanical thrombolysis, which is essentially like a little machine that injects that clot busting medication in and sucks the clot out. And, we also put those catheters in and leave them in overnight to slowly dissolve a clot that may have been around for a longer period of time. So, we have the tools to treat your DVT and, also then, take care of you because the DVT is a symptom of something else, most likely. Maybe you have something wrong with your veins that we can diagnose and treat with a stent. Maybe you have another underlying condition, like a blood disorder, or you’re sick with something else so the DVT is the first thing we diagnose. So, when you come to Washington Hospital Center with a DVT, it’s not just about treating your clot. It’s about making sure we understood why it happened. And, we have every single surgical and medical sub-specialty service you could want here to help you deal with that process.
Host: How often can DVT be a gateway to other conditions?
Dr. Abramowitz: Well, the DVT is a condition in and of itself, but you have to ask yourself why it happened. And, for a lot of patients, sometimes the first sign that they may have cancer, for example, is the blood clot. And so, they need to be screened for conditions that would make their blood more likely to clot. Or, for someone who’s younger, if they have a blood clot, it may be a sign that they’re actually more likely to have a genetic condition. So, anytime someone has a DVT, it always prompts us to ask the question, “Why did this happen?” and “What can we do to figure out, for THIS patient in particular, what led to this state of being?” So, I’d say 80 percent of the time someone has a DVT we’re able to figure out the reason why, be it another medical condition, an anatomic predisposition, meaning there’s something in their body maybe compressing a vein, or we find out that they have a genetic condition that’s related to their blood in and of itself.
Host: What are the risks of leaving DVT untreated?
Dr. Abramowitz: That’s a great question. So, really it depends upon where in the body the DVT is. For the most part, blood clots below the hip, those being in the top part of the leg or the bottom part of the leg, they tend to result in swelling in the short term, but don’t necessarily result in long-term damage to the leg that would cause wounds to form or prolonged swelling in the future. But what we find is blood clots that are above the hip or above your groin that affect the veins in your belly and in your pelvis. Those can lead to long-term drainage problems from the leg and that can result in long-term swelling or even wound-care formation. And we call that post thrombotic syndrome. So, it’s really important for us to identify the extent of the blood clot and where exactly in the body it is so that we can predict what someone’s risk is in the future for developing problems as a result of their DVT.
Host: Thank you for joining us today, Dr. Abramowitz.
Dr. Abramowitz: My pleasure. Thanks for having me.
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