I’d like to add to yesterday’s podcast that the reason really listening to God is important is more than getting information.
We often think of listening to God as a way of getting information, to help with decisions or direction.
But in fact, I find that usually getting information is not that useful for living your life. Yes, sometimes we are facing big decisions.
But on a day-to-day basis, we need reassurance, hope, connection, and a sense we are loved. We want to hear that God’s got this, that he’s on our side.
And THAT’S usually how God shows up. That’s actually what he does when I listen and write out questions and responses.
Usually the “answers” are much more in the category of emotional types of responses in the way of God helping, or encouraging me.
For example, one of the people who replied to me yesterday said that in answer to their question they felt God was saying:
“Don't be concerned about it. I'm in control.”
This is beautiful… I’ve often written similar things.
And you know what? It’s true! And it’s helpful and reassuring.
The next step to try is this: Dig deeper, and ask another question! So, in our example above, ask “Why shouldn’t I be concerned about it?”
And I’ll continue that dialogue.
So, again, I’d encourage you to give it a try, and ask God what to do about a situation in your life today. And then, when you’ve written something down, continue the dialogue by writing another question, related to the answer you just wrote.
What happens then is that God goes deeper too and there’s an expanded sense of his goodness, his love, his care, and his attention in my life.
And then the result of this is that I actually feel better, more confident about making those decisions, jobs, or tasks. Coming from this new perspective of peace, hope, and reassurance makes these things much easier to do or move forward on.
God telling us that he loves us is, in a curious way, more powerful than getting specific directions like “turn left, or turn right.”
Give it a try. Ask a further question and keep the conversation going.
And let me know how it goes.