在這一期節目裏我們聊了聊神奇的當代讀心魔法,包括「測謊儀」、「神經反饋」、「人機交互接口(語音合成部分)」、「解夢技術」。這是一期 Pro 系列節目,希望我成功的把枯燥的論文轉化成了好懂的文字,讓你不至於睡着。
[1] Meijer, E. H., & Verschuere, B. (2017). Deception detection based on neuroimaging: Better than the polygraph?. Journal of Forensic Radiology and Imaging, 8, 17-21.
[2] Sitaram, R., Ros, T., Stoeckel, L., Haller, S., Scharnowski, F., Lewis-Peacock, J., ... & Birbaumer, N. (2017). Closed-loop brain training: the science of neurofeedback. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 18(2), 86-100.
[3] Rezeika, A., Benda, M., Stawicki, P., Gembler, F., Saboor, A., & Volosyak, I. (2018). Brain–computer interface spellers: A review. Brain sciences, 8(4), 57.
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