Mel’s Minutes...Providing ICE..Inspiration Connection, Engagement and Uplifting to move you to acting on your dreams!... more
FAQs about MEL’s Minutes:How many episodes does MEL’s Minutes have?The podcast currently has 8 episodes available.
April 21, 2022Shoes on the wrong feet?!Change can be hard to embrace… once we’re used to doing something one way, or learning something one way, changing it can be met with resistance. Does the change make one side more right than the other, no, but it does give a different perspective. Learn to look for the value that a different viewpoint can offer....more3minPlay
March 24, 2022GratitudeBeing grateful for where you’ve come from and where you are now…...more4minPlay
September 21, 2021UncertaintyWe will all face uncertainty in life. There will be upheavals, setbacks and significant changes occurring at some point of our journey. The key is to search for the positives in the situation and make sure your mindset is open and positive to see what new opportunities are waiting for you to walk into! Uncertainty NOT the end!...more4minPlay
May 13, 2021Rerouting is Ok!When your passion doesn’t push you forward towards something you started, it’s okay to pursue other passions......more4minPlay
April 06, 2021Who am I to do or be?...Getting caught up in the imposter syndrome can paralyze us from moving towards our dreams. It’s easy to lose sight of your dreams and goals when you’re stuck in a circle of not believing you’re good enough to achieve, or that you don’t deserve to thrive. You are more than Enough and Worthy!...more10minPlay
April 03, 2021Just Start!I’m talking about quit wasting time with hoping wishing waiting for the “perfect” opportunity.... Take ACTION to live your dreams RIGHT NOW! Just START! We can all begin to fulfill our deepest dreams and goal once we decide to DO! I’m here to encourage you to do it afraid, nervous, doubting, whatever else you can think of as an excuse, let it go and just BEGIN..... Today!!...more9minPlay
FAQs about MEL’s Minutes:How many episodes does MEL’s Minutes have?The podcast currently has 8 episodes available.