Financial education and female empowerment
Special guests: Gabriela Rodrigues (Credit Suisse), Zeila Lauletta (Plan Brasil) and Alice (Financial Education for Girls Programme, Brasil)
In this special episode of podcast Meninas Líderes, spoken in English, we have discussed a
very important subject: financial education and female empowerment. Here in Brazil,
financial education was never formally taught in schools. But starting next year, the topic
becomes part of the school curriculum. This is great, isn't it? We believe that knowledge
empowers people, especially girls, who will have a healthier relationship with money and
understand how important financial independence is for their autonomy. In this episode, we
talked about the impact of the financial education on the lives of girls like Alice, a 18-year-
old girl who is a participant of Financial Education for Girls Program in Teresina, Piauí
(Geração project), sponsored by Credit Suisse. The program’s financial education curriculum
was developed by a Credit Suisse partner, Aflatoun International, with some important
gender-focused life skills, added by Plan Brazil. With Alice, we have Zeila Lauletta,
Monitoring and Evaluation Analyst at Plan, and a super special guest, Gabriela Rodrigues,
who is a managing director at Credit Suisse office in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and a good example of
successful young woman working on finance area. Don´t miss the tips in this episode!