Discussion on depression, symptoms, more specifically suicide, coping, and building a higher quality of life. We have special guest that shares his journey with mental health management and his journey in the corporate world along with his true passion to help others. Mr. Dan McPherson, International Speaker, Business and Personal Development Coach, and CEO of Leaders Must Lead, is on a mission to help Creatives and Entrepreneurs create and grow profit and understand that Dreams ARE Real. With more than 25 years' experience in corporate roles leading teams of up to 2000 and responsible for more than $150M in revenue, Dan is a recognized expert in leadership, sales, and business strategy. Through his Dreams ARE Real Podcast, Leaders Must Learn Mastermind, Foundations of Success Training, and powerful 1-1 coaching, Dan helps entrepreneurs around the world from musicians and artists to chiropractors, coaches, retailers, and beyond experience success and accomplish their goals. Have a listen to a talk full of insight and gems.