Prioritise To Succeed with Corrie LoGiudice (High-performance Coach)
Corrie LoGiudice is a life and business strategist, speaker, host, influencer and motivational maven. A former SVP and 3rd generation entrepreneur, Corrie now works to help people profit from their talents so they can make their business ownership aspirations a reality. Her 16 years of experience in business development range from assisting Fortune 200 companies to the small, mom-and-pop establishments that keep America running. Corrie shares her strategies through her show & podcast, coaching, speaking engagements, writing, online courses, and social media platforms. She also has been featured in TEDx, the Mighty, Authority Magazine, Thrive Global, Elite Daily, Girlboss, HelloGiggles, the Everygirl,
Insider & Business Insider.
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