In this special episode, I am joined by Sexual Violence Specialist Kellie Wilk to discuss this year's International Women's Day theme- Each for equal.
Kellie's work in gender-based violence spans several decades and her practice wisdom reflects experience both at the coal face and behind the scenes. As we take pause this week to reflect on the achievements of women we felt it was important to reflect on the cultural context of these achievements and the battles still raging for many women.
Does a successful career represent equality when the expectations of performance are still so very different? Mental load and emotional labour aside, we dig deep into the sexual double standards and the impact inequitable power dynamics have from the boardroom to the bedroom.
My key take-homes from this chat were that we can all make a difference through our words and actions and that equitable and deep understandings of consent underpin progress.
I also left this chat with a renewed energy for my work in this space and as I continue to grow as a person and practitioner. By ensuring individual actions, attitudes, and beliefs are equitable I can promote access for others, positively impact everyone especially those who are disproportionately disadvantaged, and work with those around me so that we can collectively influence systems.
Perhaps sorting the messy hats is another key to the puzzle of improving social justice!
(Note: This was an inclusive discussion that spoke about all women. The talk about the orgasm gap and gender-based violence did skew towards heterosexual relationships and the power dynamics of the gender binary. At GCSx we acknowledge relationship diversity and the fact that domestic and family violence occurs in lots of different relationships. We also recognise that trans women, in particular, are disproportionately impacted by gender-based violence).
Taking hats off and exploring with others how their hats shape their reality provides a framework for an exploration of self, sexuality, radical intimacy, and what it truly means to be authentic.
What messy hats do you wear?
If you are a teacher of healthcare professional why not Deep Dive with me (and Torns) into your own sexual attitudes and values and emerge with greater self-acceptance. Apply to attend the sexual attitudes reassessment in your state
If you are a parent or caregiver wanting to learn more about talking to kids about sexuality, consent, and social justice sign up for the free webinar