Ashley is still in her messy middle. She is coming up to the year mark of when she was last pregnant and in that time, has had to come to terms with a diagnosis she never even knew existed. Ashley tried for 7 months to fall pregnant, she wasn’t sure that she was consistently ovulating. After being referred to a fertility specialist to do formal ovulation tracking, she confirmed ovulation, went through her TWW and was surprised to find out she was pregnant. Unfortunately, this pregnancy was not meant to last. She had a scan at 6.5 weeks and there was a fetal pole, a heartbeat, but there wasn’t a yolk sac. She had a gut feeling that she may have had a missed miscarriage, as she did slightly lose symptoms at 9 weeks. At 11 weeks went to first OB appt and it was during that scan she was told that the pregnancy wasn’t viable and was booked in for a D&C that same day.If only her heartache ended there. Ashley goes on to tell her story of how it took over 5 months to get her period back, she had an abnormal ultrasound which showed retained products as well as an enlarged uterus with abnormal vascularity. Her OB at the time completely disregarded her concerns and it took seeing a new OB and an interventional radiologist for her to finally be diagnosed with an AVM. As much as it is a rare condition and no one can definitely confirm how she came to have one, Ashley felt it was so important to bring awareness to the condition, which anyone could possibly get as a result of a D&C or retained products.
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