Henry is joined by Alex (a returning friend and guest) to discuss the recent situation developing among 'alternative news media' around the use of Ivermectin as a prophylaxis and treatment for COVID-19. We go through a summary of the last 6 months (all during the pandemic) and give our thoughts on each development and the social implications.
Before this span of time, Henry and Alex had both been casual listeners of Bret Weinstein's "DarkHorse Podcast," which especially attracted interest when Bret stood his ground on the plausibility of the lab-leak hypothesis (for the origin of SARS-CoV-2). Since then, DarkHorse has been Bret's main way to discuss his opinions and arguments for the effectiveness of Ivermectin as a prophylaxis and treatment for COVID-19. This stance is at the center of a huge controversy in the US surrounding vaccine hesitancy (as well as other related controversies that Bret attempts to avoid though is dragged in unwillingly regardless).
This long episode attempts to detail most of the important points about the controversy: the arguments Bret and his supporters have given, the arguments his opponents have given, and some broader reactions. Overall, Alex and Henry are very skeptical about Bret's conclusions from his arguments, guests, and cited data, but don't have a good diagnosis of why Bret is not yielding his stance even as it seems to become less tenable over time.