We had Dez Fafara of Devildriver come on the show and talk about horror movies, California love and a whole lot more. #devildriver #metalgodzradio #DezFafara
On living in California with taxes and fires.
I'm no stranger to that. Last year, me and my wife and my whole family, uh, two dogs and four cats, like in a car leaving my house leaving everything I own is a guy on a bullhorn, you know, So, like is telling everybody to get the hell out of the neighborhood. And I look up in my, uh, whole mountain was on fire, and I mean, 1000 ft Flames, man. So I'm no stranger to that. And I feel for everybody going through this. And I'm lucky I came home to my house and the firefighters that were asleep on my lawn. I mean, I remember we brought him out water and ask them if they were hungry. And I mean, I did everything except hug the dudes, man, you know. So for me, it was, uh I relate to that, you know, And and we get quakes, we get fires, we get a lot of things. But there's also this other California vibe that just you You can't replace it, you know? I mean, everybody hits me is like, how can you live there? Because the taxes I'm like, man, you know, if you're born and raised somewhere, it just it is what it is, and it's it's bred inside of you, you know.''
On the news media and its fear narrative.
Yeah. I mean, the people have a psychological tripwire fall for that and fall for those statements. Um, I tend to watch stuff that's more underground and really look into things. Um, you cannot be during this time a sheep. Uh, because if you are, you're just gonna panic and go into fear mode. Um, you know, there needs to be a little more, uh, and I don't use woke because that that got hijacked a long time ago, but there needs to be kind of an awakening towards, uh, government. Uh, when it comes to, uh, government and it together and how they propose fear to all of us, and I just I don't fall for it. I have not falling for it, have not falling for it, To be honest with you, I mean, I just watched something on the news the other night where it was like 13 doctors talking about what's going on with it and, like, YouTube deleted it. I'm like, Well, wait a minute. The 13 doctors talking on the on the steps of the of the courthouse and Washington and the Supreme Court, they're all huge doctors in their fields. They have something to say, and then YouTube deletes it. I was like, Huh? So, yeah, I tend to look deeper, and I think I think people should as well, you know, with all this And I'm not gonna discount what's going on, you know it. But but the fear thing is is is too much, you know, it's too much.
On releasing a new album during the Covid crisis..
it's been out two weeks now. It's incredible. We just got the word this morning that we're number one, uh, in ads on radio, which is absolutely stupendous. Um, we came out number four on the hard rock chart. So it was, uh, Corey Taylor, Queen, Deftones and Devildriver. That was immense. Uh, we made the people move to release a record in the middle of Covid, and, uh, I think a lot of bands. Well, I don't think I know a lot of bands pulled their record during this time because it was a bad monetary move. And it is a bad monetary move to release during this time. But I'm I'm the guy who firmly believes and give people music. Music saved my life. I still get up every day. I mean, uh, you know, when you called, I was down here listening to punk rock. And, you know, I wanted to give people music during this time. So look, the records. Getting nine out of 10 and 10 out of 10. I mean, I'm I'm terribly humbled by it. And I feel, you know, I feel like like we did the right thing by releasing in this time.