In episode 24 of Micro Entrepreneur: the magic of thinking small, I had a great time talking with Grace Marshall about the strategies you can use as a micro-entrepreneur, to help you become more productive, more focussed and happier with your choices.
This week's guest
Grace Marshall is head coach and chief encourager at and author of the Amazon bestselling 21 Ways to Manage the Stuff That Sucks Up Your Time. She is also a Productivity Ninja with Think Productive one of the UK’s leading productivity training companies. Grace admits she's not a naturally organized person. Her passion for productivity began when she got fed up saying "I haven't got enough time." With two young children herself, Grace has a particular passion for helping busy time-jugglers find ways of getting things done with less stress, less overwhelm, more fun, enjoyment and fulfilment. You can get her free guide to overcoming overwhelm here.
What we covered in the show:
Intro with my top tips for productivity
time boxing and chunking
asking if the task is necessary to your business and ask who is it serving?
having a 'no meetings policy' unless it serves your agenda
using public announcement for accountability
setting boundaries
And then on to Grace with:
Aligning your focus, passion and energy, and managing your mindset
Getting started when you're feeling overwhelmed
using brain dumps
deciding what needs your focus - what you can park - what do you need to let go of?
creating space and 'choosing' vs feeling 'you have to'
understanding your own values
Some things you may think aren't productive actually are!
regenerating, thinking time, re-strategizing
Recognizing the 'guilt' factor and how in large doses it disempowers and distracts you
time is your friend not your enemy
have a TaDa! list not a ToDo list
making magic doesn't always take a lot of time
Reference to the apps
Being mindful and having strategies to improve your 'state' and energy levels
Starting with the hardest tasks first and earmarking the most important task for the week
Having a weekly review, making proactive decisions, knowing what makes you 'your best' you
Managing a 'multiple-ideas' personality
Motivating yourself with a 'champagne moments' folder
It's up to you to 'take your time'
You can find out more about Grace here:
[email protected]
Twitter: @GraceMarshall
Here are some links to Grace's articles:
About the Podcast
The Micro Entrepreneur Podcast is your place to come and hear me talk about all things business for the micro business owner. I speak with experts, authors and other micro business owners and what they are doing to build and grow a successful micro business.
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