It’s May 26, 2021, and you’re listening to another episode our podcast, featuring interviews by sixth grade students of family members and friends at our school in Oklahoma City.
Hello and welcome to the first of two spring 2021 trimester podcast collections of 6th grade family oral history interviews. My name is Dr. Wesley Fryer, and I have the privilege of teaching required Media Literacy courses to all our 5th and 6th grade students in Oklahoma City. This year as part of our 6th Grade Computer class, which lasts 1 trimester, students learned how to conduct short oral history interviews. The interviews you are about to hear range in duration from about a minute to almost 8 minutes long, and address topics including memories from childhood and lessons learned during the past year of the COVID19 global pandemic. We’re going to hear from JohnLuke, Derin, Ella, Mason McAllister, Roshan, Max, Bote, Fahim, Drew, Emory, and Amelia, interviewing siblings, parents, an uncle, and grandparents. You can listen to more student oral history interviews as well as interviews with our faculty and staff on our Anchor podcast channel, on You can learn more about our media literacy class and access our units and lessons by visiting Thanks so much for listening… now let’s get on to the student interviews!