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An excerpt below from session # 4:
In this session we are going to cover how to set up an effective and a lead converting landing page……This is a partial excerpt to give you some idea of what you are going to hear from me!
A landing page is a web page that allows you to capture a visitor’s information through a lead form. A good landing page will target an audience, such as traffic from an email campaign promoting some ebook.
Creating landing pages allows you to more effectively achieve your goal of converting a higher percentage of your visitors into leads. This is because landing pages make the process of receiving an offer much simpler for your visitors, since they don’t have to navigate your website to find the page they’re looking for. Sending your visitors to landing pages also eliminates any confusion about what they must do to receive your offer, which keeps them from getting frustrated about not finding the form, or deciding that it’s not worth their time to figure out how to go about the process.
we shall learn about some of the key techniques for building a successful landing page .
targeting your emails : segmenting your leads into lead nurturing campaigns based on the type of offer they download allows you to target your follow-up based on the specific conversion event. you can then use this information to tailor subsequent nurturing emails to their interests. Include in your emails calls-to-action to other offers that will educate your leads on similar topics.Going social: Once you’ve converted your visitors into leads, enable them to easily spread the news about the offer with their facebook friends, twitter followers, and LinkedIn connections. The more prospects you drive to your landing pages, the more leads you’ll be able to generate.so you’ve built and optimized your landing pages, HALF of the Leads Are qualified but Not ready to buy.Lead nurturing provides a way for you to develop a relationship with your leads in a timely and effective manner by creating an email series that you can set up once to run automatically.Finally A/b testing for landing pages is when you create two or more versions of your landing page and test a specific element. For instance, one of your landing pages can include a testimonial while the other doesn’t.Lastly Direct your leads to thank-you pages to provide calls-to-action for additional offers.listen to the podcast!and stay tuned with me!-:)
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